
Should I try to run a Clan Village, a warriors mini game? I can’t promise I’ll keep it up to date and constantly running, but it sounds fun to try. 


tfw you get dragged all the way back to wattpad 


@-acidixc I think it came up in my messages that you posted something xD


yO you posted something on my message board a while ago
            Did I know you??


Lol I know what you mean I’ve been unactive for like 2 years until last week 


OK at first I was like "R U OK" because you haven't updated your WOF ratings book in, like, a month and I thought you died or something but THAT'S NOT THE CASE BC UR MOST RECENT ACTIVITY WAS 16 HOURS AGO SO YEY YOU'RE NOT SUPER DED! I hope. 16 hours doesn't mean you didn't somehow manage to die after, BUT I MEAN IT'S UNLIKELY YOU DIED, SO YEY I THINK. UNLESS YOU'RE DED. THEN NOT YEY.