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❝ you seem to replace your brain with your heart . you take things so hard, and then you fall apart . . . they call you cry baby , cry baby , but you don't fucking care ! cry baby , cry baby , so you laugh through your tears ! ❞
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Evan lay on his bed, an overwhelming feeling of sorrow keeping him from getting up. His fingers were laced together, settled on his stomach, and they refused to move. He was tired of all the shame and lack of love he got. It was to the point where his brain was slowly changing him into a sociopath, and a sociopath is / never / the best kind of person. The teen had been staring at the ceiling for the past two and a half hours, just thinking about his life. And thinking. And thinking some more. And reviewing all he thought by thinking. Frustrated, he let his fingers go and grabbed a pillow, muffling a yell that would’ve been loud enough to get him kicked out of the dorms. Evan grunted and sat up, his hair ruffled from laying down so long. A laugh erupted out of his mouth. It wasn’t a very happy laugh. It sounded...threatening. It died down and changed into a sob. The black-haired cried, letting his feelings out. He hadn’t cried in years, because he was always in public and was terrified that people would judge him if he shed tears. It had happened before when he was much younger. But he was over that. Right?
He wasn’t the best person to make decisions. Evan was the kind of person who’d just go with their guts and not think about aftermaths. So when he would speak, it was a jumble of nonsense. But for once, the boy had used his brain and thought more instead of following his heart, and now his mind was messing around with his feelings. Evan’s hands covered his face, his green hues dull. His body trembled slightly, his lip quivering along with it. “Crybaby,” he mumbled. “Crybaby…”