Hello people! I truly do not think that anyone reads this but you know what? Im still going to announce that I am officially...
EDITING! *crowd cheering*
No one really knows this, but every single story on here is the "straight out if my head, onto paper, then to Wattpad with no editing" version of my stories. So for the next few weeks, I will be editing my stories to make them better for the Watty's. Even though I know that I won't win any awards, I am still very excited for them. Just keep your eyes open for my new and improved stories. I may even write some new stories. Also I have recently taken an interest in Poetry so I think that I will post some. Or maybe change some so that it us in Poetry form. Let me know which stories you want in poetry form. That is all. Actually wait. One more thing. I updated my bio so go check that out as well. It is more accurate than the last one and probably longer. Also votes are very much appreciated and covers and comments and criticism and really anything is GREATLY appreciated.