"He- Hel-lo?" The word sounded forced, almost unfamiliar rolling off the ender's tongue. He was terribly scarred by a lake he'd accidentally teleported into, bits if water still searing his skin. "Help? Hel- hel-lo?"
@ENDER_INGS She continued to frown.” Come inside. I might have something to help.” She led him into her home then, starting to look around. She motioned to the cake in passing.” Eat some of that. It’ll help you regenerate faster.”
@maliciousways His head whipped around with a terrified shriek when she pulled out the sword, but his attempt to teleport away only got him a few blocks. He cowered away from her and nodded a little, pointing to where his skin was scarred. "H- Hurt."
@ENDER_INGS The brown haired female was out in her garden collecting sweet berries when the other appeared. She gasped softly as she saw him, immediately taking out her sword. But then she realized he was different from regular endermen. She put her sword away again with a soft frown.” Are you talking to me?” She carefully approached, noticing the water.” You’re hurt…”
//:boop: —❝STUMBLING ACROSS YOUR HOME❞ Karl didn't know why but there was something following him, in actuallity(?) it was paranoia from all the time travelling he did, he ran through the woods, muffling his cries. He saw a cottege and quickly ran inside.
@M3M0RYL0ST- //Thank you! Hearing her door open and shut had the brown-haired girl out of bed and down the stairs with a sword in her hand. It was only iron, but could still do damage.” You- Who are you? Why are you in my house?”
//Cb and specify please!
Mind if I drop something? (I got Minecraft ocs)
@-VenomousHunger- She sat across from him then, smiling softly.” So, what’s your name?”
//Cb and specify
@godsseraphim “Wait what?! I can’t turn back?!” She started to panic, slithering over to him.
@godsseraphim “Oh.” She pouted. After a moment, she concentrated and with a little poof turned into a tiny white snake.
@godsseraphim “I wanna be an animal! Ooh! What animal should I be? Cats are pretty but bunnies are cute. Oh! And birds are cool.”
@godsseraphim Her eyes lit up.” Really?! Do it! Do it! I wanna see! Can I manifest as a boy?”