
I'm so sad when I start a really good book and then find out that the author hasn't updated it in over a year(or longer) literally the worst feeling ever 


@HowerHowe That's when you make up your own ending to it :') 


@-angstyteengirl I feel you there. There is this one story in Wattpad, it's been almost 7 years since the author last updated. It is one of the best stories, and it hurts to see it discontinued. Still can't get over it. :((


I'm so sad when I start a really good book and then find out that the author hasn't updated it in over a year(or longer) literally the worst feeling ever 


@HowerHowe That's when you make up your own ending to it :') 


@-angstyteengirl I feel you there. There is this one story in Wattpad, it's been almost 7 years since the author last updated. It is one of the best stories, and it hurts to see it discontinued. Still can't get over it. :((


When your crush talks about what he wants in his future and you want the same thing but you can't tell if he wants that future with you or not so you choose to find more fictional characters to fall in love with so when your crush finds someone else you won't be entirely destroyed 


What cursed comment did you find my in


@TheGrassGiver69 well duhhh. You are the grass giver after all 


@TheGrassGiver69 you were giving out a lot of grass throughout the chapters 


Down to be friends (◕ᴥ◕) please 
          (I'm desperate) 


@HowerHowe I'm doing quite well! Thanks for asking. How are you?


@FriendOfFlowers how r u? Hope u r doing fine