
Happy friendship day to all of you !!!❤️❤️
          	May your beautiful bond of friendships lasts for eternity with your closed and loved ones . 
          	Cheers <3



if you didn't already knew , I had this weird love for Bollywood movies and songs especially fantasy and science related movies along with psychological ones . seeing the trailer of " brahmastra" and listening to the song kesariya in Arjit Singh's voice has completely made me excited for this movie ..
          cannot wait !!
          like literally <3 
          also , check out this book related to teenagers , feelings , action and a lot more ♡


sorry but I just want to blurt out some things about friendship !! 
          - the person who they ASK or TALK whenever they ONLY need is not a friend . Especially when they label you with a bond . It is much of for their profit and that's NOT friendship . 
          - there is nothing as distance between true friends . 
          - the word friends maybe scary to some people because of past incidents , bashing them as rude or smh , wouldn't bring you anywhere near their friends ! 
          - friendship is a very important bond  
          - it is okay to not have friends . be one to yourself . 
          - if you don't believe in friendship , then trust me it's fine . but never ever be feared of anything to experiment . 
          - it is okay to not be emotional with your friends rather talking to them when you have the vibe ! 
          - friends become family , not in a go or in a conversation of a week but many small incidents and ups and downs along with helping each other and correcting when someone is wrong like a family is what makes them similar to one . 
          - friends annoying you is SUPER annoying 
          -  showing possessiveness for your friends is appreciable and good as you know they are YOURS but remember to not show in such a extinct that it may hurt someone badly ( happened to me ) . 
          - also giving nicknames is cool but can turn out embarrassing and if your friend doesn't like it please don't force them . 
          ( back story : requested one of my school friend to not call me "genie" - jeenisha but he did and I felt bad ) 
          - try your best to be there for them always.


@astroimaginator major acquaintances isn't it ?


@artqueen1 the first one . 
            and second last .