
i'm scared for high school. i don't know where anything is, and i'm going to be seeing some people where interacting with them again might be awkward. i'm considering hug him, but maybe it's because i'm tired.  ugh man, i need help


he's on here. i think he knows who he is, but maybe not.. i should shut up now


i'm scared for high school. i don't know where anything is, and i'm going to be seeing some people where interacting with them again might be awkward. i'm considering hug him, but maybe it's because i'm tired.  ugh man, i need help


he's on here. i think he knows who he is, but maybe not.. i should shut up now


well hello there. 
          to those of you that care, i'm sorry i haven't posted anything in a while.
          i'm just here now to inform you that all is well, i'm just not active on my account anymore, and i'm considering deleting it.
          (sorry for wasting your time, if i did)


You. Are. Loved. 


@-asteriahowell- thats okie lol~ (ˊᵕˋ)


@freeunicornhugs i'm sorry, i don't know how to respond to compliments