“Luka! It’s nice to see you again! It’s your birthday? Seriously? You should have told me! O-okay I’m writing that down I’m not m-m-missing your birthday again it’s just wrong. I-I could’ve made you something! Or a cake. Though I don’t make cake often... but I would’ve learned! Or we could’ve done it t-t-together. Or not. I mean it’s your thing...well birthday. Sort of. I mean yes. Oh and Happy Birthday!” Marinette said smiling at him. Though in her eyes it was probably a very weak smile, and she cringed slightly thinking about what she said it. Pure nonsense. She talked way too fast, and way too much, and stars only know how fast or odd it looked in the way she was having her arms. She was more focused on trying not to say something that would embarrass her or scrambled words. Next, she just took the cake from his hands and ate some of it knowing that was the fastest way to get out of talking for some time. Hopefully.
// sorry I write tons... it’s just my personality.