Posted this on my other account as well. But it is important.
Hi loves! Know I haven't been on here much. I've been consumed, like many of us, with the news and its terrible downplaying of the critical movement and protests happening in the world today. We will not rest until there is equity. We have far surpassed the need for equality. Let me define those terms for you. Equality generally refers to equal opportunity and the same levels of support for all segments of society. Equity goes a step further and refers offering varying levels of support depending upon need to achieve greater fairness of outcomes. These additional "supports" needed to achieve equity are these protests. We have for too long allowed this to happen. Our struggle with systemic racism did not end with the Civil Rights Movement. You are ignorant to believe so. Stand up for your black brothers and sisters. Stand up for the lives that have been taken. If you cannot protest, there are other ways you can join this movement. Donate. Sign petitions. Shop at black-owned businesses. Reach out to your black friends and check on their mental health. Do not post a black square to Instagram and think the fight is over. For black citizens, the fight is never over. We cannot tell black people how to grieve. We cannot tell them how to process. We can do better than this, I know we can. But if you see these riots and looters and think "it's unfortunate that George Floyd was killed, but these looters are horrible and violent" instead of "it's unfortunate stores are being looted, but the murder of black people in America by the police is horrible and violent," you are prioritizing the wrong thing. If this offends anyone...please, just save us both time and unfollow. It doesn't have to be a big scene. It doesn't have to be a blow-up. Just unfollow.