
Hello, peeps! Just wanted to let people know that I will soon be taking down my OCs on this site, mainly because I don't see myself roleplaying via Wattpad anymore. With DMs gone and the paywall/ads all over the place, I'll properly be moving to Discord for better order. 
          	In which sense, if you want to talk OCs (or maybe RP, though I am mostly busy cause of my research assistant job), please let me know in DC! My tag is aint.gelic and I always welcome OC bonking, shaboinking even :>


          	  true lmaoo guess talk to you on discord then ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎ thinking of fully move to disc too but some ppl i rp don't have discord and it is easier to find new ppl to rp with here


@IoveabIe_you yes sorry ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ the site is basically gathering dust in my phone rn so I thought it's about time I move :>


          	  sad (;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`) but okie! ps. this is kissnmakevp on discord lmaooo~ i would actually love to rp with ya or just chat in general, it'll be nice to have someone to talk with online daily :3


Hello, peeps! Just wanted to let people know that I will soon be taking down my OCs on this site, mainly because I don't see myself roleplaying via Wattpad anymore. With DMs gone and the paywall/ads all over the place, I'll properly be moving to Discord for better order. 
          In which sense, if you want to talk OCs (or maybe RP, though I am mostly busy cause of my research assistant job), please let me know in DC! My tag is aint.gelic and I always welcome OC bonking, shaboinking even :>


            true lmaoo guess talk to you on discord then ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎ thinking of fully move to disc too but some ppl i rp don't have discord and it is easier to find new ppl to rp with here


@IoveabIe_you yes sorry ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ the site is basically gathering dust in my phone rn so I thought it's about time I move :>


            sad (;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`) but okie! ps. this is kissnmakevp on discord lmaooo~ i would actually love to rp with ya or just chat in general, it'll be nice to have someone to talk with online daily :3


Update: I am still very much alive. BUT my new job is taking most of my time and energy so I'm not exactly sure when I'll be able to reply properly. 
          As usual, any of you are welcome to end RPs or cancel planning! I too would lose interest after quite some time so I don't mind <3 


Date :: Sept. 23
          Hi everyone! Yes yes, I am still very much alive! 
          It's my first week in my new Boarding House and the first week of my two week training for my upcoming job this October! So super apologies for everyone I wasn't able to reply to this week! 
          I've been super busy and real life comes first always. I'll be dming everyone and checking in if peeps are still interested ofc! But slow replies will probably happen most of the time because I'm still getting used to the work I have to do in the laboratory.


important announcement!!
          Again, so sorry to everyone but preparing to move is getting a little too stressful for me, and I barely have any time to sit down and write replies. So I'm pausing my replies until next week!! Hopefully, I'm replying every night starting Monday since I get my laptop back by then.
          I will TRY to reply to ooc chats but I can't promise activity because of my schedule for the rest of the week. Again, so so sorry to everyone and I hope you all have a good day!


Don't mind me clearing out the drafts ᕙ⁠(⁠ಠ⁠ ⁠ਊ⁠ ⁠ಠ⁠)⁠ᕗ
          Will try to continue with replies again tonight! Just prioritizing packing my stuff. Will be moving living space on the weekends for my new job ^^


date & time :: sept.10 ; 4:45pm
          note :: sorry for the lack of responses for the last one to two days!! just really didn't feel like writing and i try to avoid forcing out replies because they usually come out shitty. 


time :: 7:05 p.m.
          ➭ today drained everything outta me like a liposuction. way too tired to write stuff tonight but i'm gonna be working on replies tomorrow again <3333 this is your sign to tag me so I'll write replies for that RP first! 
          ➭ again, so very sorry <3 my dad got sick and my mom is busy with work so i'm in charged of everything on the house and taking care of my lil bro for the entire day, plus i have to prepare a few documents sent by our research program head. just physically and mentally tired is all <333
          ╰─▸ ❝ [ that's all, love lots ꒰⁠⑅⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠꒱⁠˖⁠♡ ] ❞


Just a friendly reminder!! I'm slower in replies because majority of my RPs are literate to advance literate, and I'm pretty busy during the day (my Timezone is GMT+8). BUT!! I'm always up for casual chats outside of RP! We can talk about our characters and plan a bunch of stuff whilst working on replies ^^
          Truth be told, that is my favorite part of shipping my OCs with other people. Roleplay sometimes feel like work unfortunately, but just rambling with someone about making your OCs kiss is so fun :>


/ @-azarath
            absolutely <33 i love making ocs kiss


This is hella valid! And making headcanons about them is just.. utter perfection. Then you've got the complete 180 where you plan out drama that they'll never see coming. It's all fun though :3


this message may be offensive
Sorry to everyone for the slow replies!! It's is SO FUCKING HOT in the Philippines right now and I feel like a dried rotting banana left on asphalt at the moment.
          I'm trying to reply to everyone at least once a day but GODAMMIT. 


@SWoofyDM360 I mean, I live here alsnsksslsnsk but being bilingual for me is more like being bad in two languages XD


@-azarath omg same here >< can you speak it? I'm decent at speaking but I have a few words I don't understand.


no worries ! ^^
          thank you for voting on my oc chapters ♡


@cosmicroyals will do! (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)


thank you ^^ ♡
            i'm open for rp any time if you're interested :3


@cosmicroyals ofc♡ your characters are so lovely, they deserve all the appreciation ✧⁠*⁠。