


SOOOOO... because i’m not really involved with the fandom anymore plus i have no motivation at all, i want to end my zion imagines book. 
          i’m going to write another 5 or so and end it at that BUT i am unsure on what those should be about.
          i’m asking you guys to give me some ideas other wise i’m just going to leave it where it is.


@-CHRISTMASBETCH any idea is a good idea! i appreciate it and it really helps a lot so thank you


idea 1: zion serenades you with a song outside of your house because he wants to get back with you again  
            idea 2: you see zion at a party, checking you out, you go up to him and say something about it, he tells you that he wants you for the night (smut ig)
            idea 3: you come back to get your stuff that you left in zions house, you find zion in a bathtub full of blood, unconscious, with a mouthfull of pills in his mouth (that's all I can think of)  
            idea 4: zion proposes to you with a rap he made up  
            idea 5: you and zion go on the show maury to find out if the baby is his  
            I'm sorry if these are bad   


wow i joined wattpad when i was 12
          out there reading 1D fanfic about getting dicked down & ignored.
          what a time to be alive.


the good old days 


fr, who let my young ass on wattpad 