
// idk if u care but my personal]/main acc is @honeybee-xx .


this message may be offensive
// gonna commit arson. I spent 2 hours getting dressed, 30 minutes of which were spent trying to do double winged eyeliner, just for my plans to be canceled! do you know how hard it is to do a double wing? gonna cry like srsly fuck meee.


            It's alright. I'm a bit tired anyways, I don't think I'd last the night haha.


            Oof I’m sorry. :( 


            wish I could, but I was originally going with a friend. we were gonna stay at a hotel but something came up and she bailed. I'm not mad at her, though, I just wish I had something better to do lol.


"Hello. I'm Mr. Vanilla, remember?"


            "Why thank you!"
            //You are welcome UwU


            ' ' Y'know , I already figured Karasuno's rookies for a bunch of aggravating little snots, but you really take the cake . ' '
            // thanks   for   the   follow  ,  mate  .