


Yes, no, maybe
          I don't know.
          Can you repeat the question?
          You're not the boss of me now!
          You're not the boss of me now!
          You're not the boss of me now, and you're not so big!
          You're not the boss of me now!
          You're not the boss of me now!
          You're not the boss of me now, and you're not so big!
          le empiezo a agarrar cariño a la canción xd


━༣ཱུྂྃ⃟⃟⃟ᬼ⃟⃝⃟ါ⃟ᬼ⃟⃟─────Creyendolo ¿qué más si no? ─────poner brazos detrás de su cuerpo─────, aunque la verdad es que no tengo problema en invitarte una...