
this message may be offensive
          	hi guys. so lately people have been bringing up my slut shame comment in a certain book that is being read by lots of users and i just wanna say that i’m really sorry to anyone i’ve offended over that comment and i appreciate that all of you didn’t take my shit and called me out for it. you don’t know how much i regret ever making that comment because right now, i’m a completely different person and i am severely opposed to slut-shaming. the me before isn’t the me now, i believe that everybody can change and i think i can say that i’ve changed for the better and also learned how to keep my mouth shut when necessary. so i hope that to the people who are still replying to my dumbass comment, you’re reading this right now because believe me, if i had the chance to do the same to the old me, i will, but probably worse lol. but if you’re still skeptical about what i said, i understand it but if you also want to message me, so you can like say whatever, that’s also okay. again, i’m truly sorry for whatever i said and to whoever i offended. have a nice day. 


@-barruecos You were a straight A savage ♡


this message may be offensive
          hi guys. so lately people have been bringing up my slut shame comment in a certain book that is being read by lots of users and i just wanna say that i’m really sorry to anyone i’ve offended over that comment and i appreciate that all of you didn’t take my shit and called me out for it. you don’t know how much i regret ever making that comment because right now, i’m a completely different person and i am severely opposed to slut-shaming. the me before isn’t the me now, i believe that everybody can change and i think i can say that i’ve changed for the better and also learned how to keep my mouth shut when necessary. so i hope that to the people who are still replying to my dumbass comment, you’re reading this right now because believe me, if i had the chance to do the same to the old me, i will, but probably worse lol. but if you’re still skeptical about what i said, i understand it but if you also want to message me, so you can like say whatever, that’s also okay. again, i’m truly sorry for whatever i said and to whoever i offended. have a nice day. 


@-barruecos You were a straight A savage ♡


hello guys i’ve decided to make a playlist for 26 because why not—and you guys have to listen to some of these songs. they’re absolutely beautiful. and! regarding 26, i’m kinda not writing part 8 yet...so... yeah.. there ...