i've been away for a loooong time (a year almost!), and i'm hoping to put more effort into coming back. I've been suffering from a miserable writer's block and reading slump, so i'm hoping my return here could renew my love for writing and reading.
updates have been non existing for Speaking of Murder, i apologise for that -- it's because i'm stuck in an essential plot-point that's been making me anxious and making it even more difficult to submerge myself into the universe again. hoping to get it straightened out for the sake of my sanity lol, but in the meantime, i thought of a sudden idea that made so more sense to the story, which is a changing the title! You Speak of Murder feels so much more in tune with the vibe i'm aiming to portray. let me know your thoughts!
as for my read for reads, i'm so sorry! i'm hoping to slowly come back to each one of you, it's a gradual process, but I'll be fulfilling them soon! i've missed all those stories so much!
lots and lots of love