it’s been a very long six years but i feel like i’m finally ready to let go of this phase in my life.
for the longest time i tried to find motivation to continue to write for things that i no longer have an undying interest for. the characters i’ve made, the relationships they’ve formed... all of that is a part of me and i care so deeply about that and whenever i see people giving them so much love, i can’t help but feel guilty because no matter how much i tried to squeeze out the words you stayed around to read, it wouldn’t come.
the thing is, i no longer feel the passion and desire i used to have when i started these books. i’ve come to this realization when i tried to write the third installment of my series. i’m done. i’m tired. i’ve grown different and i don’t think it’s fair for the people who’s continuously supporting my works or for myself to push the boundaries of something that is no longer alive.
i’ve moved on in my life. in fact, i haven’t opened this app for six? months now. it’s been tough but i found happiness there, writing for other people in a completely different platform. it’s hard letting go of my childhood but it has to be done eventually and i think now is the right time.
i want to say, i love you. thank you for supporting me this long and i’m sorry.
good bye to everyone and i hope that my works were at least able to put a smile to myself. for the 200+ people who followed me (even if my works are horrible), you guys are my first fans and i wouldn’t have made it this far if it weren’t for you.
(i would no longer be active here but this account will not be deactivated nor will i unpublish my stories)