
Taking down my TWQ fics bc I want to rework them while I’m on hiatus. Hopefully when they’re published again I’ll have some chapters prewritten to share with you guys <3


So I relapsed for the first time in almost a year about half an hour ago. I am absolutely disgusted with myself knowing I let all the work I put into getting to a better place mentally be for nothing. This could not have come at a worse time with finals and entrance exams coming up. Because of this I will be going on hiatus and I am not sure when I’ll come back. It might be a month, it might be more, but right now I’m not even sure how I’m going to make it through tonight and tomorrow.
          Thank you everyone who has supported me on here and I wish you all the best. If anyone needs to contact me I will still be active on my instagram.
          I hope to see you all again soon <3


@ -blackfyres  SH or drug, its an addiction, and its damaging your mental health as well as your body. I used to struggle with sh too, i try to do my best to not do it again (almost 3 months clean now), but I know its hard. Its okay to do it. You are expressing the feelings you cn not say. Its normal. You are reaching out to the only exit you see. Please, just don't end it. I know its hard, but life is worth living for
            Im here if you need ❤


@Pasta-07 I relapsed in terms of SH, not drugs, but thank you regardless <3 I hope your friend is alright and that she begins to heal!


my brother is going through a similar struggle and he recently relapsed after 6 months. i know that this doesn’t mean much coming from a perfect stranger, but there is absolutely nothing to be disgusted about. this kind of thing is very much a sickness and you have nothing to be ashamed of. progress and healing isn’t linear. some days will be worse than others but there will still be good days, better days. i truly hope that you are able to get support on your journey towards recovery and i am sending all the healing thoughts to you i possibly can. please remember that this is just a small bump in the road. you have managed to improve before which means you will be able to do it again. all the love to you, take good care. 


Which book would you guys prefer an update for (please don’t say any of my TWQ fics because I haven’t started a chapter for either rip)


these shattered hearts


These shattered hearts plsss


@ -blackfyres  these wild minds please