this message may be offensive
hi @ my 140 followers. it’s been a while. i gotta confess something. katerina petrides is my pen name. she’s also like...a second persona i guess. i gave her a whole life story and shit and i’m really sorry to the friends i made on here that i lied to :( granted it was over two years ago, so i don’t even remember anything i did/said. i hope if any of my friends are still on here, that they forgive me! i’d rather still be called katerina but whatever i’ve said abt my age, place of residence, etc. is probably not true, i am so so so sorry again. it’s better to just be secretive than to lie. it’s very cowardly of me. i’m SO sorry. and i feel so guilty. i’d also rather not talk abt my personal life still, so please don’t ask questions. damn i feel rly shitty abt this lmao bye now !! i might come back to finish what i started (i had some rly interesting ideas?? go me i guess?) take care everyone xx