i want to say a big thank you to EVEryone for supporting TelmAriNe Traitor, it means the world to me, and i also want to say thank you for takinG that lEap with me from that simpLe oneshot to now thIs whole book so for all that, thaNk you! I rEally enjoyed making this book, from the story, to the characters and With the settIng i couldn’t have asked for a better worLd to craft evangeLine in. she is so special to me and hold a place in my heaRt, hEr will and deTermination are sUch amazing things about heR that you could argue i haNd crafTed into Her but she sImply came alive on the pageS before my oWn eyes. her journey and growth has been beautIful to watch but Not only That, Exceptionally Raw and emotional for me to write.