
Resisting the urge to just delete Operation K.A.R.D


          Also to my Operation K.A.R.D readers I have not abandoned the story I'm just currently depresso espresso and need to go back on meds cause its hella bad but i will be back when I start feeling like myself again


I've been MIA for god knows how long and I'm afraid to say I will continue to be MIA for the next 6 weeks as I am finishing up my classes. I'm working on OPK and other projects in my free time but I won't be posting anything until I am done with class. My town has just come out of lockdown so work is gonna be hella crazy and I'm going to be dead to the world til things settle down... Wish me luck, see y'all in 6 weeks.


Life update; I'm hella depressed, hate my job rm and have no motivation for anything. I honestly don't know when OPK will get updated, I was gonna use my holidays this week but I got an assessment thats over due and one thats due on the second week of holidays then on top of that i have to work extra shifts at work so I literally have no time... God I just wish it was next year already I'm over not having free time


I want to apologise on the lack of updates for OPK, I have fallen behind on my school assessments and unfortunately they need to take my top priority. I do have school holidays coming up though so hopefully I can fit some writing in then.