
sadly havent updated, but dts on og fic?


i will be updating this week, while that being said, i will be making a new fic, which is a one tree hill fic, i think i will have the on tree hill fic out maybe by the weekend, or next week, i'm not exactly sure, also! i started a criminal minds fic, and im debating on wether to post it now or later, let me know if you want it now or later!


uhm is xo kitty s2 worth watching.


@-cartiier season one has 10 episodes and season two has 8 episodes.. i suspect a season three will most definitely be coming!! 


@rlylameleo how many episodes are there?


after xo kitty, pick two.
          carousel - malachi barton
          infrunami - steve harrington
          saturn - agggtm
          nathan scott - pearl diver
          heartbreaker - walker scobell


@kyoto_xo ahh i've been wanting to for so long, so of course!!