
//; me to me in a whisper: u will not make the ultimate linguist. You will n o t.
          	me: but,,, linguists-


//; guess who ;^)


            //; don't stop me now ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ


            //; towa: no, no u :<


The conduct spotted the cartographer out of luck then random shouted,  "wHaT iS lOvE" She probably drunk. 


“I DIDN’T start this conversation, you drunken idiot,” Kohaku grumbled, rubbing his temples, narrowing his eyes as Miyoshi walked closer. “The hell do you want?” He snapped, taking a step back. “Go pass out somewhere else. I’m not in the mood to deal with you.”


Miyoshi walked closer to Kohaku ,smirking a bit "It's also your problem for starting this conversation."


Kohaku plastered a false smile on his face, taking a few steps back. “That sounds like your problem, hm?”


{{ this is a lovely message from Kozue- }}
          "I hate you so much... like- so, so much..." 


this message may be offensive
|| @-cartographer ||
            "Ok ok, don't get so snarky because you can't fuel your ego..." Kozue hissed before pulling her hood over her head so that she didn't have to look at him. She sighed and mumbled something spiteful under her breath before restarting her apology. "I'm sorry for calling your talent useless... asshole..." of course she had to add a name at the end- 


            “Nuh1uh, not how this works,” Kohaku said brightly, shaking his head. “At least you could actually understand MY apology. I could barely hear what I said. How am I to know you actually held up your end of the bargain if I can’t understand what you said? How is that fair?”
            He paused, his smile going wider. “Unless, of course, you want to imply that a proper apology is beyond your capabilities? Something I can do properly, that you clearly can’t?”
            What a prick-


|| @-cartographer ||
            She glared daggers at him, a small huff coming from her chest. "I didn't make you repeat your apology... so I don't have to repeat mine..." she snapped, almost immediately going back to her bitter personality- 