
hi everyone !!  
          	i came up with the idea to split the three (massive) parts of ‹rapture of the deep› into smaller chapters in order to make the reading experience easier and more comfortable for you !! starting from maybeee today, including new updates every other day :)) <33
          	yup! that's all I wanted to let you know just so you wouldn't start wondering why i'm starting to post the exact same story one more time (fyi, i won't take the original one down since the feedback there is really rEALLY dear to me) 
          	((and for finals, i haven't exactly felt inspired or motivated to start any new pieces lately, life's been a bit busy and all, sorry about that but i wouldn't want to rush or force myself to get into writing again too soon. i think it's for the best if i take the time i need and remain patient with myself, hopefully you can have a little more patience, too! ^^" who knows,,,, maybe by posting more actively, editing, and perhaps having a few peeps interact with the nicer, chaptered format, i'll get into the writer's lifestyle more easily, we'll see!!)) 


hi everyone !!  
          i came up with the idea to split the three (massive) parts of ‹rapture of the deep› into smaller chapters in order to make the reading experience easier and more comfortable for you !! starting from maybeee today, including new updates every other day :)) <33
          yup! that's all I wanted to let you know just so you wouldn't start wondering why i'm starting to post the exact same story one more time (fyi, i won't take the original one down since the feedback there is really rEALLY dear to me) 
          ((and for finals, i haven't exactly felt inspired or motivated to start any new pieces lately, life's been a bit busy and all, sorry about that but i wouldn't want to rush or force myself to get into writing again too soon. i think it's for the best if i take the time i need and remain patient with myself, hopefully you can have a little more patience, too! ^^" who knows,,,, maybe by posting more actively, editing, and perhaps having a few peeps interact with the nicer, chaptered format, i'll get into the writer's lifestyle more easily, we'll see!!)) 


imissyou ಥ_ಥ


@minthannie aww, i see :(( get well soon and rest up!! I hope the symptoms aren't too unbearable <33


@-celestiiqx • not good- i got covid and can't go to work heh


@minthannie aww i miss you, too !!! <33 how have you beeeeeeen??? 


happy pride month everyone ! <3 
          sorry for having been so suuuuuper inactive over these past months and it honestly pains me to think about how i haven't written anything since march >< but it's all been a gigantic bustle with finals and all and ahhhh i'm graduating in a few weeks !!  
          so yeah, patience dear ones <3 i hope you understand that i wanna be patient with myself and wait until the writing tingles strike again hehe and it's not like i've already used up and emptied my draft collection uh uh we're faaaaaaar away from that :D
          have an amazing day and tell me, how have you beeeeeeen??? <3


@-celestiiqx take your time <3 im proud of you!! I’m okay, how have you been?


lest es, tut mir den gefallen und lest dieses meisterwek 
          es hat mir wirklich wirklich die sprache verschlagen, abgesehen von der absolut wunderschönen sprache, die hier an den tag gelegt wird, trieft das ganze von poetik, kleinen süßen momenten, großen süßen momenten, bedeutungsvollen menschen im leben und einem ganz tiefgreifenden spiel von emotionen
          sunny, das hat mich wirklich vergessen lassen, dass ich lese, ich danke dir dafür und liebe dich von ganzem herzen <3333


@-celestiiqx Skwhszh I saw you reposting the fic on here but I was so giddy about your comments that I completely forgot to reply- thank you so much!! it is an honour to be promoted on your acc T.T 
            Love you too, very very much <3333 muah


happy birthday to me, here's a fic for you !! ♡︎
          (also happy 1st anniversary to this account) 
          I just published "❝disappear like bubbles, stay here, stay here❞" of my story "rapture of the deep ; ". https://www.wattpad.com/1199477599?utm_source=android&utm_medium=profile&utm_content=share_published&wp_page=create_on_publish&wp_uname=-celestiiqx&wp_originator=unOic%2FowTTSCd18bZpc9l07cTWRSfwlbeGBxx2IC7taOWE5lQxH55OWgaUT9cIdCnTATrKzV7Hsl6nzfnyRjjh8WxxeCCFYYWS7XhaeJI5oAa3eEobxhiOYF%2FqhzP7Kk


@SeohoTheFrog ayyy thankyuu ♡︎♡︎♡︎


@-celestiiqx HAPPY BDAY TO YOU<3333




You're new theme is so pretty ø.ø


@-celestiiqx glad to hear you're doing sort of okay ^^ sending you lots of hugs <33


@Moonlit_Diamond aww you noticed (and so quickly) :(( <33 thankyuu 
            i'm okay i think, no worries <33 i know ily thank you, i'm trying to /alive/ myself bit by bit (if only i knew where this low energy levels come from akfkskfksk)  


@Moonlit_Diamond  & how are you doing? Always remember that I'm here for you any time you need me <33


since march, this account has gained 5 works - one of which is a translation - worth around 122k words in total and i can't properly begin to put into words how much of an achievement that is for me, as i was jumping from writer's block to writer's block to eventually giving up before i decided that i needed a new start on here t.t 
          i'm probably just being emotional right now, but i felt like taking the time to thank everyone who's been contributing to creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere for me to be here and draw motivation as well as inspiration from <33 
          and ofc, thank you for your patience and stamina since - you may have noticed - i tend to be someone who writes incredibly slow but chooses to write long pieces instead of multi-chaptered ones >< <3 
          i'll probably cry my heart out again once the sum of english-only works reaches 100k (i seem to have switched entirely, don't i? i hope my german pals don't mind </3 i begin to miss writing in german tbh, so it isn't too improbable that i'll peak in and say "hi, hier bin ich wieder" in the near future hehe) 
          yee thank you again, i hope you're having an amazing day and taking plenty care of yourselves ☆


@-celestiiqx “hi, hier bin ich wieder” THAT WAS SO SWEET AND FOR WHAT. man i love you, i’m so glad we became friends and i truly appreciate you and your works so much. i’m also super proud of you. you’re such an incredible writer and this place really wouldn’t be the same without you. we will all patiently wait for our amazing author (you) und eins steht fest: meinen support wirst du immer haben! you got this, so many words and so many more to come to bless us with your excellence and existence. you’re the best bae mwah