
if ANYONE saw me change my change my pfp and background photo like 20 times in the last half an hour- you saw absolutely nothing okay?- *insert knife emoji :>*
          	(your girl’s indecisive af okay so this is bound to happen-) 


btw I just saw that you're from Bangladesh!?!?? I'm from India lolll


@-HIGH-HYUN hey neighbor i see what you did there heheh ;>


@-HIGH-HYUN yesss! Im from Bangladesh :D!!
            Wow really?!?!! Then hi there neighbor! 


Thank you so much for reading perfume, voting and commenting as well!! And you added my book to your 'favs' reading list too I- (´༎ຶ ͜ʖ ༎ຶ `)♡
          It means a lot to me! ♡♡ tysm once again!!! (*˘︶˘*)~。.:*♡


@-cherryhannie Tysm it really means a lot to me that you're enjoying the book <3333


@-HIGH-HYUN The pleasure is all mine!!! If anything thank YOU for writing this book, it is genuinely so intriguing and you writing is absolutely WONDERFUL- LIKE OMG THE LANGUAGE?!?!- Definitely one of my favss, im enjoying it sooo much, cant wait for the next parts! ❤️❤️


kinda wanna change my username to something related to jeongcheol since thats my top ship rn. but idkk im so indecisive and i have had my current username for three years now TT well if i can come up with something i like ill change it anywaysss since i have grown out of tk at the moment but lets see what happenss ^^
          AND OMG JEONGHAN AND WONWOO ALBUM IS SO GOOD. Last night is one of my fav song now like i love it smmm!!! <33


Have been back here for around a week now. Normally i would just download this app then look thru my account before deleting again buttt idk i might read some fics again? 
          Im not that ‘full on’ of a bts fan as i was like 2 years ago but i still like to read some fics here and there.
          Anddd i changed my theme after like 2 years or something. My man jake as the pfp :pp
          My bio is way more simple and short compared to the huge ass thing it was before. 
          Anywaysss, enough of my rambling. Whoever is reading this,thank you and i hope you have a good day! Byeee! <3


Hows the new theme? I had the pink one for months but i have mixed feelings about this one. Do yall like this one better or the previous pink one? Pls do let me know cuz im having a hard time deciding whether i should keep this theme or just go back to the previous one. ^^


@ -babyggukkie  this one, we're both blue-