
So okay I've got WiFi back, but for only a short amount of time. That means the publishing of the chapters is going to be a slow process! *sniffs* 
          	But I should be getting proper, solid WiFi again so that I can update whenever I can. 
          	See ya!


So okay I've got WiFi back, but for only a short amount of time. That means the publishing of the chapters is going to be a slow process! *sniffs* 
          But I should be getting proper, solid WiFi again so that I can update whenever I can. 
          See ya!


Thank you for adding my story to your reading list!!!!! :D. Xx 


*Blushes,* thank you :). We can thank each other! Haha. Xx 


@PotterFanRosalinda I should be thanking you really :D x


Thank you so so much for the follow, votes and comments!!!! :D. I love your picture by the way!!!! Xx 


@PotterFanRosalinda you would? Thank you again :D
            And yes I really like the rabbit, it made me laugh the first time I saw it so I just thought "Why don't I use it as a profile picture" and it's kinda just stuck there and I don't think I'll change it because its so funny xD 


Your welcome:). I think give it time then people will hopefully start to discover it. I'll probably suggest this to a few online friends on wattpad for you :D. The rabbit, I think it's just really funny! Xx 


@PotterFanRosalinda It's okay. Thank you for reading my book and voting for it, because there seems to be a lot of ghost readers xD 
            And do you mean the rabbit or the background I have? Either way thanks again!


I'm the first to post a message AyyYyyeeEee 


That's cool. And yea, I mostly want to learn how to draw cartoons like manga style 


@stormpooper I've started taking art at college and it's really fun (- w -) and art lessons sound cool xD


I'm thinking about taking art lessons 