
Heart of Spades- Chapter 13 (Slipping Through My Fingers) and Chapter 14 (Capturing Every Moment) updated!
          	Do encourage me with your votes and comments.


Dear Readers,
          Just a quick reminder that I won't be able to update until my exams are over. They'll probably finish by 5th June so I will update a new chapter by 7th or 9th June since my birthday is on 6th June! and also after the exams I'll have like a month holiday so I'll try to update as many chapters as i can and maybe even finish the book, but no promises! So wish me luck for my exams and lets hope I can finish Heart of Spades!
          Thanks a bunch <3


So sorry yall. I couldn't update the last few days. Unfortunantly i wont be updating this month either because I have my finals in a few days and I have A LOT to study. Maybe I'll try to update IF I have any time but thats onlyy for special purposes. Thanks. Luv all!!! See u after a month!!!!!!!!


          Dear readers,
          I am writing a new book. I wont say what it's about just yet, but what i can tell you is that this book is gonna be much better as i'm planning the whole thing. I'l finish planning the characters, plot and write drafts for each chapter. Then after i'm done with the whole thing, I'll publish it one by one. I can't say when i'm gonna finish but stay tuned if you wanna read it!!!
          -Author. <33


@_sarahh233_ not sure, lets see

