Two years! It's been truthfully and painfully too long since I've last updated. I've tried, for the past two years, to come up with some sort of reason or excuse that could make sense and—at the very least—be accepted. Truth is, though, that I can not come up with any other reason other than that I have lost some passion for writing Daylight in the middle of it. It's not unusual for me to abandon my own work, I've got plenty of horrible experiments and embarrassingly awful archived fanfiction to prove it. Although, what is uncommon for me is to revisit my work and be greeted with so much support and love and requests for me to continue. I am no stranger to loving fanfiction, as an avid reader myself, but to be on the receiving end of it is something I greatly appreciate. And so, even if for two years I have dealt with the burnout of writing (thanks to my university program, although I'm starting to find balance in this chapter of my life), I have decided to continue Daylight. No promises that my updates will be frequent, however I will do my best to keep my promise of giving my readers something of quality. That said, though, I am also planning to change some chapters and remove some parts of the plot I feel are unnecessary for the story. I started writing Daylight when I was 17, of course some things are bound to change. And I start to see some parts of my story that I do not agree with, hence my decision to change—or edit, at least—the story. With that, as I continue to write the next chapter, I will start making these changes for my own sanity. Don't worry! The plot will remain the same, and our beloved characters will stay. And I, hopefully, will too. Thank you for your support, I'll see you in the next update xx

@suhanidewan05 I trully appreciate you so much! Thank you for this and thank you so much your support, I'll do my best ❤️

@-cruelsummer the fact that you choose to return and start working on it again already speaks volumes. i am so so happy you decided to start writing again as this is one of my fav fics. i'll be here supporting your journey as a happy reader!!