
A star has 5 ends
          A square has 4 ends
          A line has 2 ends
          But a circle of friendship had no end. 
          Send this to all your friends (including me if I am one)
           if you get 5 back, you're a good friend. 
          If you get 10 back, you're popular. 
          If you get 19 back, dang I'm jealous. Ur so pretty and you never switched it up, this is why I love you send this to 10 girls or karma starts now. HAPPY BEST FRIENDS DAY in 60 min something will make you happy but you gotta tell 10 bffs!
          Hope I get one back. Just copy and paste and send this to the 10 prettiest girls you know????if you don?t you will turn ugly in 1 year if you get 5 back then dang ur gorgeous


*kicks the door down*


@ -LOCALARIES-  it is, it's okay, i promise 


@-cute_bun_bunny- don’t say that , it’s not true :(


@ -LOCALARIES-  but don't worry, I'll be okay 


Tftf beautiful ❤️✨


@ SugarMamacita  sure, u can pm me if u want 