
Hello! I know I haven't been active here like forever ago but I came here asking for help. 17 days ago we received bad news, that our favourite show-MacGyver(2016)got cancelled. We are trending #SaveMacGyver on twitter and we have a petition on Change.org going on. Please if you want to help us and if you don't mind can you you sign too. We need all the help we can get. If you don't want to that's okay too, but we will be grateful if you do. ❤️


Hello! I know I haven't been active here like forever ago but I came here asking for help. 17 days ago we received bad news, that our favourite show-MacGyver(2016)got cancelled. We are trending #SaveMacGyver on twitter and we have a petition on Change.org going on. Please if you want to help us and if you don't mind can you you sign too. We need all the help we can get. If you don't want to that's okay too, but we will be grateful if you do. ❤️


          I hope you're doing well! 
          I'd be really honoured and pleased if you'd read my book, especially my 3 new ones. They're pretty short yet enjoyable. I think you'll like it. 
          My new books:
          *Temptation; KTH (ongoing)
          *Colours; JJK (completed)
          *8 Letters; JJK (completed)
          ^ Those are the short stories if you wanna read them during breaks.
           If you'd like, you might want to read my longer books for longer leisure:
          *Dreams; KTH (Completed)
          *But I Still Want You-Book 1; JJK (Cmpltd)
          *But I Still Want You- Book 2; JJK (Cmpltd)
          I hope you'll look forward to it! 
          Take care! And don't forget to wash your hands to prevent COVID-19!


          I hope you're doing well! 
          I'd be really honoured and pleased if you'd read my book, especially my 2 new ones. They're pretty short yet enjoyable. I think you'll like it. 
          My new books:
          *Colours; JJK (ongoing)
          *8 Letters; JJK (completed)
          ^ Those are the short stories if you wanna read them during breaks.
           If you'd like, you might want to read my larger books for longer leisure:
          *Dreams; KTH (Completed)
          *But I Still Want You-Book 1; JJK (Cmpltd)
          *But I Still Want You- Book 2; JJK (Cmpltd)
          I hope you'll look forward to it! 
          Take care! And don't forget to wash your hands to prevent COVID-19!
          Thank you!