
hey y’all long time no see.. um so i’ve been dormant for these past few months and honestly i just haven’t really been feeling too good lately but good news is i’m slowly getting back into the groove of everything and i’m going to revamp all of my books soon hopefully! 


hey y’all long time no see.. um so i’ve been dormant for these past few months and honestly i just haven’t really been feeling too good lately but good news is i’m slowly getting back into the groove of everything and i’m going to revamp all of my books soon hopefully! 


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hey guys so like i know i said i would actually update my books but then life got in the way and i literally just got diagnosed with depression and like so much other shit is going on so i haven’t even been on wp much which is funny because i would look forward to getting on it everyday but i promise when i feel more up to it i’ll update:)


bye my friend just sent me a video of her hanging out with someone after she cancelled on me saying she was sick:/ 


get with her bf 


Kiss the person she likes 


i’ll never know why a meaningless item from years ago that didn’t even represent anything good still manages to make me reminisce and feel sad, because, compared to now; i would have taken that “shitty” life over this one. 


happy monday to me—just got a five day quarantine bc school is out of tests and since i went to the nurse with a stomach ache and saying i had thrown up and those are covid symptoms sooo they had to send me home cus they have to follow cdc guidelines or whatever and literally every place in town is sold out, doctor offices are full and don’t do rapid tests so it’s like uhhhhh now i most likely have to stay home for next week and i’m gonna get so behind and break ended like a week ago i don’t need another one</3 


anyone feel like so mentally drained rn and like you’re not even living, i mean i don’t necessarily feel sad but it’s like i am sad idk how to explain it i just feel icky and like i have so many other issues rn like i’m fairly positive i have adhd and my friends suspect as well and if it’s not adhd and it’s really effecting my ability to work and focus and i’m not self diagnosing or anything but my mom won’t take me to get tested so she literally just decided on her own i didn’t have it:)i also know for a fact i have some sort of an anxiety disorder but my mom tells me to “grow up and get over it” like i- she’s a good mom but she’s so ignorant and she always invalidates my problems yet asks why i never confide in her like umm..