this message may be offensive
Listen up you beautiful people of the world. I do not care if you are gay, lesbian, black, white, pan, asexual, straight, asian, native American, mexican, bisexual - or an alien mutant that comes in peace just trying to research the ways of the loathing human life within this endless void we call a universe. I love you and if someone says something about you, if they label you, categorize you, shame you, or in any way make you uncomfortable or sad, fuck them, look into the mirror and say, "I love you. Look at my eyes, they shine golden specks when the sun kisses them and remind me of the way the ground exhales the beauties of nature / they can meet the gaze of hundreds of people and not once falter when their eyes melt with mine. They resemble the green of the grass when kids play outside on a summers day / they look like the night sky when the sunset is just about to fall over the bold mountain, bringing light to another place on earth." Know you are beautiful and understand that your flaws are only another way of showcasing all the good you do. But please, please, please don't make yourself feel ashamed for who you are. <3 - Not really anonymous user but trying to be mysterious bc she thinks it's cool :/

@-deadbeat-lowlife- I really needed this thank you even though this was posted years ago