
  //  new account theme .   cb for a rp .


  /  when very startled, montague transforms into his diamond form.  <3


@testedsoul   /   definitely!  i look forward to it!  (:   also, sorry for the late replies here. it's hard to keep up with many accounts.


/  ofc!  perhaps we can let them build up a little more interaction before then so they can really have that kind of ‘he’s annoying, i’m angry’ relationship  ((: 


@testedsoul   /   omg, we could definitely rp this sometime soon if you're up for it!   :D    it'd be so fun.  :)


hey,  i said i’m sorry,  geez.  i didn’t bump into ya on purpose.
          /  angry rich french guys with abilities are a special genre lol 


            the man's blue and brown eyes looked up from his shirt to side eye vince due to his response. and then his eyes went back to look at the fabric he was dabbing at.
             "it /is/."   montague said with a venom in his voice. "and i think this conversation is over."


“say i got lost,”  he shrugged,  watching as he cleaned himself up.  vince obviously felt the annoyance radiating off the other’s voice,  but he didn’t take it too personally.  he was known to mess up a lot of people’s days,  even when he wasn’t trying.  “damn.  looks like an expensive shirt too.”
            /  i totally understand the moodiness.  i used to have tons of characters always in a mood lol


@testedsoul   /  haha, it's easily done. and yeah, he's super cool!   he is acting nasty in this interaction, but it's because he's in a mood, lol  :,)
            montague practically snatched the rag from the man's grasp and dabbed at his clothing with it.  "why are you even here?"  he asked a tad bit too sharply. 