If you haven't checked out Stitching Stardust by officialren yet, you should do so. They have an amazing premise and I'm sure their novella will be as good as the fantasy they tend to write
if you mean on turnthepidge's or strangelydrstrange's books/profiles those are my friends who I support no matter if I'm part of the fandom that they write for.
I don't like Harry Potter because I never got into it as a kid and reading it now, it's just a kid fiction book to me because I obviously don't have the nostalgia.
Check out Ut Malum Pluvia by @strangelydrstrange
It's a choose your own adventure Umbrella Academy fanfiction that desperately needs readers so it can start. It's completely reader run so if you like roleplays or apply fics where the reader gets more of a say in the story, you should check it out!