
I don't want this feeling I can't afford love


Buna siua cuaie


@ hemmow  ba sunt foarte bine, sănătatea cam scârțâie dar e ok, nu i nimic grav, in rest sunt pe combinatii, imi fac de cap:)) 


@-ecstasy- ba eu ma uit la bravo ai stil si astept sa ies afara ca e o zi ataaaat de frumoasa. Am intrat si eu pe watt acum, dupa o saptamana dracu. Is mega ocupata frttt, tu ce mai faci?


@ hemmow  bună siua cuaie, abia ce mi am reinstalat watt ul, smr chiar ma gandeam la tine, ce mai faci? 


Summertime will freeze my inside war 
          Summer winds will break through secret doors 
          Summer nights will keep my heart alive 
          Summer love will help me through this life 
          I peel the cold, hard winter off my skin 
          I let the carefree summer breeze come in 
          I am revolving round the same old fears 
          My resurrection's near, my resurrection’s near