
ethereal wattpad comeback?? :00
          	happy new year guys...3 months late


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Girlypop bestie help i am in need of angsty shit


Omg ily fank besti


@SugarRush827 wattpad or ao3?
            what ship?
            i'll try to look


is it bad that i say i don't like him anymore but i still think he's attractive


@SugarRush827 .........
            no comment
            if you don't see him for like 3 months
            and you don't talk to him for 3 months
            and you don't text him for 3 months
            you might get over him


Easier said than done u of all ppl should know this


dear jonghyun, 
          happy birthday!!
          although i started listening to kpop in august 2021, i only found out about you and the rest of shinee this february. so far, i've been obsessed with your solo song, "y si fuera ella." the way you performed this was truly amazing; i would have loved to see you sing live. i've also listened to "ring ding dong" and "lucifer" a lot these few months, and yesterday i discovered taeminnie's solo song "criminal."
          i've been missing you a lot. to quote a book i've been reading recently, "[i] don't know how God or whatever higher being could take people or animals away when there are people who still love them and need them." (maetani 125) 
          to be honest, i'm not sure if i believe that there's a God or not, but what matters the most to me is that you are no longer in pain. i hope you're happy, and i hope my sadness doesn't bring you down as well. for you, i'll try to be happier. 
          i love you; i miss you, 
          ethereal (aka ****)
          saturday, april 8th, 2023


for those who might be interested, the book i mentioned is "ink and ashes" by valynne e. maetani!!