@beatlemaniaqueenie Oof, the pressure of updating. I think every Wattpad author is going to face PTSD from it once their book is done. On a more serious note, good job on you for allowing yourself to actually take a step back from all this craziness. There are WAY too many authors who don’t know when to lay low and just take the time to breathe. Yours truly, A.K.A. Me, is a prime example of that.
If you need any writing advice, feel free to swing my way for new ideas and paths to interlock and progress certain plot-lines and narratives. Take it from someone that is consistently writing over 15,000 word chapters.....I understand how things can get tedious, brutal, and little bit hectic.
Best of luck in your writing future, ‘Do You Want To Know A Secret’ is still one my favs.
Stay Safe x
- Jaiden