Is it just me or doesn't it annoy you (mostly if you are transgender) when people just say its just a different gender identity. Like, yes it is a gender identity so it isnt like you are identifying as your birth gender BUT you are just changing or identify as the opposite gender. Its not like non-binary where you identify with no gender or gender fluid where you identify with what ever gender you feel like you are at the time. So technically, trans people shouldnt just be called trans. We should be considered the gender we want to be wether it is boy or girl. Trans just means that you have changed to the opposite gender due to how you see yourself. It annoys me when someone says they are pansexual. Im pansexual but if i were gay or straight, i would consider the trans person as the gender they want to be, not transgender or just another gender identity. Trans people might not be considered 'normal' because they have changed their gender identity to the opposite gender they were born with but that doesnt mean they should we pointed out as somethibg else other than the gender they identify as, such as male or female.
Sorry i had to rant about that because i hear so many people talking about trans people in that way. It pisses me off because im in the community. I do not consider myself trans as in my gender. I consider myself male. Trans is just a lable for it to say you have changed from your birth gender to teh opposite gender. Thank you for listening.