Important update please read:
I’ve been struggling with my physical health a lot of late but put it down to the weather change. Now it may partly be that but it could also be something related to the cancer treatment I went through over 3 ish years ago.
As such, I’ve lost my ability to walk without excruciating leg pain, causing my legs to give out from under me.
All in all it f*ckin sucks. After 12 hours in A&E with doctors poking and pulling at my legs, leaving me in tears, all they could say was “well it’s not a broken bone. So what do you want us to do about it?” I’ll grant you I hadn’t expected them to be able to do much then and their.
It frustrates me that the default is “here’s drugs and some exercises”
One: I can’t physically do them.
Two: even if I could do it without crying, i’m pretty sure I’ll do more damage.
They offered meds but I can’t have morphine, which is the default next to paracetamol and ibuprofen and they don’t touch it when I attempt to stand.
Getting to the point of this rant, I’ve felt extremely depressed and have no creative urge whatsoever at the moment and will be on hiatus for a while.
I plan to keep you all informed when I can. My health needs to be my priority.
Thank you all for your kindness and support with me during this time.