Mira’s Wisdom Bites: ft. An Unpublished Story!
“Every ounce of blood spilled on that field is a symbol of luck that it wasn’t yours, and it is sure to haunt me for the remainder of my life, if I am so fortunate to live that long.” He sipped on his lukewarm water; They weren’t that fortunate to come across cool drink, and looked at Eleanor’s pained expression.”
“Love is a phenomenon, a bond you share with a person for, mostly, the entirety of your life. Love is oxygen, a disease, love creates and destroys. I do hope he forgives me by saying this, but once death takes the one you love in his arms, it takes the lover with them.”
William nodded, just as another shadow limped forward, wincing and trying to cover up visible pain, that broke nearby hearts.
"Allow me to accompany these brave men, sir, please. I know I'm unable to provide as much service, but in the case they need a sacrifice, I'd be honoured to go out saving whom you call Miss Eleanor." Jean insisted, trying not to wince while standing.
This blood belonged to the martyrs who fought for what they believed in. The ribbons of blood dancing on the bark, Jean realised, belonged to someone’s father, brother, cousin, grandfather, uncle, son, and more. People are so entranced and fixated on cause, they’d neglected individuals.
I simply hope I live to see mankind evolve out of such a violent way of solving disagreements.
"You see, women are such clever creations of God." He swung at her, but Eleanor managed to dodge, running to the other side of the barn. "They are smart enough to observe then act, unlike most men who do nothing but act. But their mistake is that they think that after suffering, they can take it all."
"It is but the females who bring forth the wrath of man! What a mistake the Lord has made!"