
I have like 404 votes on my book, so it's basically an error lmao


@-genkim- It's not u silly author but actually, it's 445 and it deserves more why it's showing less? <(`^´)>


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@SereneEmaan holy shit, now I will make another account to vote on my own book-oh wait, shit I already have one T_T


"I hope you are doing well. I hope even in the midst of every pain, difficulty and chaos you are committing yourself to be a little more kind and gentle with your heart. I know life can be more than difficult sometimes but hope you are finding the strength to keep on going even on those days. I hope things are changing for you and you are starting to see the purpose and the good in all that you have been through."♡


When will you update?? 


Oky, and best of luck for your exam


@DarkCastingMoon my semester exams (kinda like annuals which are like really important) have showed up, so I will update after I am done with them. Up until now I had been ill so I am sorry. Will give 4 chapters at once do no worry ❤❤❤