
        /     hi i feel like i’m starting to lose motivation on rping as klaus   ,     every other klaus acc is better than mines so imma try revamping this so it looks better so uH one liners everyone whoopee 
          	     cb ‘ high ‘ for an angsty one liner 
          	     cb ‘ ghosts ‘ for a drunk one liner
          	     cb ‘ bro time ‘ for a fluff one liner


/   i   am   very  late   but   —   high   ? 


/  im late but high pls!


//bro please!


you need to brush your teeth , you heathen .


why would i ever lend *you* a toothbrush , god —


this message may be offensive
/     @worstghostever     . 
                       fuck hygiene    ,      am i right     ?     ?        i’ll brush my teeth the day you can actually lend me a toothbrush     ,       benny boy      .       i’m short on cash at the moment    . . .     


[  they're like fifteen or so sksks  ]
          caspian cried softly ,  curled up in the corner of their room .  they were trembling ,  arms wrapped around their knees .  they couldn't have felt worse ;  during group training ,  they had accidentally sent luther flying into a wall .  as always ,  it had been an accident ,  but they still felt terrible .  like a monster ,  even .
          [  my lil bby is emo(tional)  ]


@-ghostseeingjunkie ;
            caspian nodded in understanding ,  sighing slightly and composing themself .  they took klaus' hand ,  slowly rising to their feet .  a small grin crept onto their lips .  " alright .   sounds good to me . "  they said softly ,  following four's lead to the other room .


/   @empatheticss    .
                  ''    luther and diego fight all the time   ,     you didn't rile up anything new   .    and luther won't come after you   ,    alright   ?   ?     ''    klaus stared into their eyes  ,   ''   alright   ?   ''    he said once again for confirmation before standing up  &&.  helping caspian up to their feet    .    ''   how about we ask mom to make us some ice cream   ?  ?     yeah   ?  ?    let's  --  let's not dwell on it   . . .    ice cream fixes everything   .    ''    he smiled at both his siblings   .     he didn't like seeing any of them upset    .     ever    .


@-ghostseeingjunkie ;
            " i don't like to ,  but i would do anything to put luther in his place . "  number six commented with a shrug ,  folding his arms on his chest .  " i guess you're right .  diego is pretty angry ,  too ,  it'll probably get luther to back off . "
            " i'm sorry for this .  i - i never wanted anyone to fight . . . "  caspian sniffled ,  wiping their eyes .  " none of you have to do anything to defend me .  if luther comes after me ,  so be it .  i'll figure something out . "


        /     hi i feel like i’m starting to lose motivation on rping as klaus   ,     every other klaus acc is better than mines so imma try revamping this so it looks better so uH one liners everyone whoopee 
               cb ‘ high ‘ for an angsty one liner 
               cb ‘ ghosts ‘ for a drunk one liner
               cb ‘ bro time ‘ for a fluff one liner


/   i   am   very  late   but   —   high   ? 


/  im late but high pls!


//bro please!


“ klaus i have a question . ” ben sighed
          sharply as he held a book up to his face ,
          laying upside down on the couch out
          of boredom . “ how did people come
          up with dinosaur roars , if they never
          heard dinosaurs ? ”


this message may be offensive
/       @HardlyAlivee     . 
                      klaus had a lollipop in his mouth     ,        his skinny legs dangling over the edge of his mouth     .        he stared up at the ceiling in deep thought    ,      his eyes squinting     .      “     oh shit    ,      how    —     “     he sat up     ,       dazed     .       he had one brain cell so it took a few minutes to process it      .        “     is water wet    ?      if i punch myself in the arm &&. it hurts am i strong or weak     ?    ?        “  


and here , ladies and gentlemen , we have the world's biggest idiot .


* he couldn't help but grin & crossed his arms * so , you driving this time ? you did pretty damn well back there with the ice cream truck for someone who says he can't drive .


/     @realmenthrowknives     . 
                      yayyy     !      *      he clapped his hands     ,     satisfied      .       *       cheers to being dumbasses      !        i love quality bro time      .  


yeah , like you didn't lick a nine-volt battery thinking it'd give you pubes . eh , what the hell . let's go drink to our failures !


hey you . . . haven’t seen you in a good while .


this message may be offensive
/     @anecdochee     . 
                    *      he sniffled      .      *     you’re so clueless     ,       it’s so cute     .       of course i did     .        *     he pinched his cheeks softly     .       *      fuck yeah you will     ,      you have  /   me   /   to teach you    .       i’ll teach you the ways of memes   ,    vines &&. tik tok     ,      so do not fret    ,      young one    . 


oh   .   that’s   .   .   .   interesting   .    did you press F for me   ?    *   he tilted his head slightly   ,   his eyebrows furrowing in confusion before he shook his head    *    i’ll figure all of this out soon enough    !     


/    @anecdochee     . 
                             *     he scratched the top of his head     .      *     oh   —    oh    ,     you know    ,       like    .    .     .     press F to pay respect     ?   ?       *      he stared at him     ,       blinking a couple of times    .      *     like rest in peace   —   ?      never mind     —        *      he put his hand on his shoulder    .      *     i’ll teach you the ways of becoming a meme master     .      


you look like a hot mess . 


/      @chaoticnormal      . 
                               welcome to the life of a medium      .     *       he hummed &&. stared down at his black nails     ,       thinking      .       *       rarely     .        ben is tolerable     .        sometimes i see children who are clueless to the fact that they’re dead      ,       &&.   i play with them for a while      .  


okay ,  jesus christ .  that’s. . .  pretty horrible .  are there any good encounters with ghosts that you’ve had ?? 


/     @chaoticnormal       . 
                            last time i did that they scratched me in places i didn’t think they could even reach     or find consensual      —        diego thought i had a jolly     ,         good time that night        .           