this message may be offensive
i feel like no matter how hard i try to make friends irl and be likeable i am always the second thought, chosen last, the third wheel. online it's a bit different i guess, but all of my irl friends seem to love telling me about how much fun they had and how they're gonna hang out with other friends but they don't...even think that maybe I want to, as well? it's happened on multiple occasions where all of my good friends are having a party and i just. am not invited. i'm kinda tired of that. i literally try so fucking hard to be nice and likeable but that doesn't work either and the close friends I do have? i mean. I'm nobody's favorite, that's just what it comes down to, I'm like a fucking filler friend. i just want to be somebody's favorite, i just want SOMEONE to think of me first when they think of who they want to spend time with but that never happens. i just want someone to want to be with me. and every single fucking day i have worry after worry that my friends don't actually like me and that they keep me around because they're too nervous to tell me that they hate me and that i'm actually a bitch who has never been funny once in my life. I keep trying to force myself to think that that isn't true, but all of this certainly doesn't help those thoughts go away. i just want to feel wanted. that's all. i wanna stop doubting myself. but i just feel stupid.