
||cb + specify (optional), muse has returned ; responses will be tomorrow some time! 


"No way... Miguel?! Is that you?" she approached him with open arms, as if inviting him for a hug. "Te ves más guapo que la última vez que te vi, cariño <You look even more handsome than the last time I've seen you, darling>." she paused, though, tilting her head slightly. "You remember me, don't you? I admit, it's been a while. I won't be offended if you don't... well, maybe just a little." she added teasingly, then, winking to him.


She held him tightly in return, not really wanting to let go — there was so much comfort in running into a familiar person, like this. "I could ask you the same thing!" she would answer, playfully punching his arm — a wide smile forming upon her lips, it seemed to make her eyes shine with joy. "You completely disappeared! Where have you been hiding, huh?" she shook her head fondly upon hearing his words, also blushing at his flattery. "Gracias, guapo <Thank you, handsome>. Are you here for business? I gotta borrow you away, even if only for an hour! We've got so much to catch up, I'm sure!"


@-tangothefts || 
            The man turned from the passionate conversation about a new conspiracy he had discovered and his face immediately lit up like a Christmas tree. “GABRIELA!” He shouted and immediately accepted her invitation to hug, wrapping his arms tightly around her. “¿Dónde demonios has estado? <Where the hell have you been?>” he blushed at her compliment as he pulled away from her, glancing her up and down. “Chica! You’ve changed! You look gorgeous. I mean you always have. But you’re beautiful!” 


||responding on all my accounts now, then headed to bed! Sorry it’s my birthday so I was with my family all day! 


;      happy late womb exit oml


“What do you want?”


[ @meanlesbiann ]
            “I’m so sorry!!! Really I am, but I was wondering if I could borrow a quarter.” The man smiled brightly before quickly raising his hands, “I mean! Not to take from you. I just need a coin to flip to make a decision. So it doesn’t /have/ to be a quarter.” 
            ||thank you! 


this message may be offensive
[ @-greywidows ]
            Miguel looked up from the piece of grass he was playing with in his hands. “Hot.” Was the first word he blurted out before his face got really red. “I’m so sorry, that was not— I swear, I just— let me explain, I saw all the black and it’s a sunny day so I figured you’d have to be hot. I promise!” He rambled quickly as he stood. “Yeah, I’m Alvarez. And you’re very beautiful, but not hot—shit I mean—listen I’m going to stop talking and you can absolutely hit me.” The pilot shook his head, the red now creeping to his neck. 
            ||tysm love! 


||headcanon: he knows all the words to ariana grande’s “Dangerous Woman” 
          He even added it to his “bad bitch” playlist on his phone and will put it on when he needs to be pumped up


[ @-silverbirds ]
            Was that a hint of red on your cheeks, Miguel? But before he could process her compliment completely, she had him laughing…maybe a bit too loud for that small of a bar. But hey, she was funny. “No no no. No big feet I’m afraid. Regular size. They call me Sasquatch because I believe they’re out there and I have gone hunting for them.” He explained before a server came up to take their order. “Go ahead, after you.” He gestured to Anna politely. 