
okay this is a question for all my gays , lesbains , trans or anyone part of the lgbqt+ do you guys feel pressured to 'come out' to people or is it something you want to do , sorry if this doesn't make sense but i was looking at video talking about how some people from the lgbqt+ feel obliged to kinda tell everyone their sexuality and basically thier love life whilst lets say someone like me who is straight doesn't really have to because well..im straight and thats what people automatically assume you are unless you say otherwise , so for that reason do you feel like you HAVE to tell people only because they might label you as "hetrosexual" because thats what is considered normal in society , despite telling people making you feel uncomfortable . the reason why im asking is because im trying to look at it from a different perspective i mean i personally do not like sharing things about my love life as i think thats something quite private and im pretty sure thats also the same for other people , but the difference is that people that are part of the lgbqt+ are still not fully accepted in society , so does it become hard for you guys ? like one hand you want to share because hey your not straight but then on the other hand you know the negativity you might have to face ?


@-guccishit That's fair, sometimes it's just really hard to tell. It's why I assume everyone around me is just a member, cause I rarely run into straight people so it kinda creates an opposite affect lol


@cqntralperk mhm thats the problems i was thinking of too , guys coming up to you and asking for your number just because hey everyone in this world is straight unless they say so , omg another thing that annoys me is when people say “its just a phase” or “you don’t look gay” or when a straight man is “overly” feminine or a straoght girl is “overly”masculine they aren’t heterosexual like what ??? i have a friend who is completely striaght but likes hanging out with the girls (because we are better) and everybody automatically assumed he was gay and i had to keep correcting them because erm HES NOT !


@mercurial- exactly i feel like people around you and where you live matters a lot too , like where i live its a 50/50 thing where they are either completely supportive or just homophobic . if i am being honest then i was probably one of the homophobic ones , if you were a friend that came out to me as bisexual then i would immediately keep my distance from you but thats because again my surroundings taught me that being straight is right and lgbqt+ is wrong and im so glad i have now changed because ew my mindset was nasty af ! but anyways i hope you feel happy and safe no matter where you are : )


okay this is a question for all my gays , lesbains , trans or anyone part of the lgbqt+ do you guys feel pressured to 'come out' to people or is it something you want to do , sorry if this doesn't make sense but i was looking at video talking about how some people from the lgbqt+ feel obliged to kinda tell everyone their sexuality and basically thier love life whilst lets say someone like me who is straight doesn't really have to because well..im straight and thats what people automatically assume you are unless you say otherwise , so for that reason do you feel like you HAVE to tell people only because they might label you as "hetrosexual" because thats what is considered normal in society , despite telling people making you feel uncomfortable . the reason why im asking is because im trying to look at it from a different perspective i mean i personally do not like sharing things about my love life as i think thats something quite private and im pretty sure thats also the same for other people , but the difference is that people that are part of the lgbqt+ are still not fully accepted in society , so does it become hard for you guys ? like one hand you want to share because hey your not straight but then on the other hand you know the negativity you might have to face ?


@-guccishit That's fair, sometimes it's just really hard to tell. It's why I assume everyone around me is just a member, cause I rarely run into straight people so it kinda creates an opposite affect lol


@cqntralperk mhm thats the problems i was thinking of too , guys coming up to you and asking for your number just because hey everyone in this world is straight unless they say so , omg another thing that annoys me is when people say “its just a phase” or “you don’t look gay” or when a straight man is “overly” feminine or a straoght girl is “overly”masculine they aren’t heterosexual like what ??? i have a friend who is completely striaght but likes hanging out with the girls (because we are better) and everybody automatically assumed he was gay and i had to keep correcting them because erm HES NOT !


@mercurial- exactly i feel like people around you and where you live matters a lot too , like where i live its a 50/50 thing where they are either completely supportive or just homophobic . if i am being honest then i was probably one of the homophobic ones , if you were a friend that came out to me as bisexual then i would immediately keep my distance from you but thats because again my surroundings taught me that being straight is right and lgbqt+ is wrong and im so glad i have now changed because ew my mindset was nasty af ! but anyways i hope you feel happy and safe no matter where you are : )


why tf is k-pop so obsessed with south asian culture its so freaking weird


my exact question



hi guys im back ! sorry for not replying , i have been extremely unwell but im feeling a bit better so i thought i should come back , pm mw  if any of you guys wanna start a new roleplay or carry on any that we had , fandom or non-fandom i honestly don't mind !


Hi! Hope you feel better!


AFGHANISTAN UPDATE-many people are rushing to get forms filled in and sending them to the t*liban hoping they would somehow reach the canadian embassy but they do not know that they are no longer in afghanistan,lots of people have been rushing into airports and have been rejected by the us soilders as they do not have visas,however those who do have been immediately put onto the plane,mothers are throwing their children across the wall so if they can't make it out then at least their children will.one lady described the situation saying it was like a "horror movie" "a nightmare" as the t*liban continue to open fire,the us military also had no choice but to throw tear gas in order to keep the big crowds away and avoid anymore danger to them and the afghans on the plane.however it is not only the people of afghanistan that are suffering,the good news is so is the t*liban finacially,afghanistan is one of the poorest countires and t*liban need to do something very quickly otherwise they're are in a economic crisis because they are making very little revenue compared to when the goverment was in control.the t*liban has also started breaking its promises quite quickly by attacking women in ways i cannot descirbe just because the food "did not taste good enough" we cannot trsut the t*liban at all,they are saying all these peaceful things to the media yet footage shown shows us something completely different for example a journalist was killed only because he had security from kabul police instead of the t*liban,the t*liban spokesperson said "he should've asked secruity fromus,we would have allowed him to do his job freely,im sorry for your loss though" what? this is absoultely disusting.let me tell you something,there is no point in convincing them anything,they are emotionless.why do you think they stay away from children? cinemas? closed down beauty parlors?.


it is because they know these will cause emotions,that will make them soft,they want to stay heartless,they are not humans nor animals they are sh*t.that is what they are.


AFGHANISTAN UPDATE-the t*liban have now captured the first female governor of afghanistan (habiba sarābi) someone who bravely fought against them despite getting so many threats.the t*liban spokesperson has confirmed that girls will be allowed to go to school and even universities,girls MUST wear an hijab has it is an Islamic rule however the burqa is option,however in another interview another t*liban member has said that girls will be allowed to go to school and universities however they must wear a burqa,so who should we believe? also today is afghanistan's independence day,instead of celebrating it like they usually do,the afghans are now protesting to get their independence back,the t*libans had promised that no violence will be permitted on afghanistan's soil after a reporter questioned them about other t*rrorists groups also getting in touch with them,however they denied these "accusations" saying they want to rule peacefully,theyvare very open to talking to international leaders and actually want to talk to them in a calm manner,the t*liban have supposedly changed their behavior.on the other hand,the footage people have seen from the media tells us a completely different stories with people being sh*t to death if they tried to esapce,around twelve are dead outside the aiport in kabul,women are throwing the children to the british soilders hoping they can make out safely however the british army has refused to take any minor without accompanied adult.we have also heard from the first female air force pilot saying that she is "extremely worried" for her family as her brother is already dead and she cannot even get on the phone with them.so we don't really know if we can trust t*liban or not as they are saying this is just a whole plan to make them seem bad and apparently none of the people who have been involved in these crimes are their men,but how do we know if they are telling the truth or not?