
(( what if you
          	cb and specified 


"nice chair pal- can i sit in it?"


            he looked down at him tapping his foot and just continued anyhow, only for his foot to catch fire. "oh don't worry: this is perfectly normal."


            "Uh-" he gestured to his tapping foot, blinking in shock. "/That/."


            "...what?" he exclaimed as he continued tapping his foot despite the fact that it was basically a fire hazard in itself.


// he’s a bby genius so he goes to school with the spider trio now
          “Ned! Ned!” Spencer shouted desperately, not daring to look over his shoulder as he darted through the crowd and tried to get to his friend. But one of the football players caught him by the hood of his jacket, yanking him back into an out of the way spot as another kicked his knobby knees out from under him and made him collapse. Another swift kick to the stomach nearly had him out for the count, and he was barely able to stagger back into the hallway and find Ned, whimpering as he tugged on his sleeve. He looked pale and a little green around the gills— he was pretty sure he was about to lose his lunch. Football players kicked /hard/. “Ned…?”


Spencer was quick to scramble to his feet and hide behind his older friend, unabashedly clinging to the back of his shirt as he peeked out at the older boys from behind Ned with tears in his wide hazel eyes. They left, not without a few mocking comments at both of them, and Spencer hugged Ned tight around the middle, burying his face in his chest. “Thanks for p-protecting me,” he whispered, his high-pitched little voice clearly afraid, but also relieved. He was so glad he had friends to come to his rescue now.


@lonelyprodigies (( absolutely
            Ned was about to smile as he looked up at the soft voice, but his dark eyes widened with both shock and rage as he instantly ran over. "Hey-! Leave him alone!" he huffed, standing in front of Spencer protectively. He wasn't much of a fighter, but Peter taught him a couple of things, and he'd be damned if he wasn't going to use them if he had to.