
Terima kasih kepada yang vote story saya.Sayang korang ❤️ nasihat buat silent reader.rajin2 lah vote.tak susah pun.tekan saja butang 'star'.tak pakai duit korang pun.setiap satu vote anda adalah penaik semangat penulis untuk terus update.percayalah..lagi rancak korang vote lagi rancak penulis update.sekian..salam sayang dari Ha-eun 


sis, mana story Together? nk repeat tiba2 dh takde huhuhu publish balik pleaseeeee


@-ha-eun nanti kalau dh publish rply comment saya saya datng balikk!!


@-ha-eun yeyyy saya tunggu yaa! tu novel first sy baca since buka wattpad and tu favourite no 1 sayaaaa!


@mssmrsyxx sedang editing sis


Halo kak
          Izin promosi ya kak
          Sebelumnya ini crita aku yang pertama kak,maaf kalo banyak typo yang bertebaran, dukungan dari kakak pasti akan sangat membantuku menyelesaikan karya ku ini.
          Trimakasih banyak kak



Halo kak
          Izin promosi ya kak
          Sebelumnya ini crita aku yang pertama kak,maaf kalo banyak typo yang bertebaran, dukungan dari kakak pasti akan sangat membantuku menyelesaikan karya ku ini.
          Trimakasih banyak kak


Assalamualaikum dan hai. (Tumpang promote) Kalau tak keberatan, jemputlah baca karya baru saya. Cubalah dulu baca bab 1-5 dulu. Then, boleh pilih untuk teruskan atau tidak. Please do your support and vote! I appreciate a lot and have a nice day. (⁠*⁠^⁠3⁠^⁠)⁠/⁠~⁠♡
          Kalau anda menyukai cerita saya, give a star. Kalau tidak, please do comment for me to improve mine.
          RAHSIA KAU DAN AKU - in wattpad


I’m searching for a story about a married couple who is madly in love and the story is all about them, but in the end, they found a girl that looks exactly like the wife. At first, I thought the husband is going to marry the girl to help her but no, it is his younger brother that married the girl. And the story ends with the wife pregnant after they have been married for so long. 
          It is a mature story. I don’t remember the title and the character's name but I remember some of their chapters. I hope I can find the story because it is a great story and I want to read it again. Is it your story? Maybe your unpublished story?


@-ha-eun aahh isee, yay finally found the writer, I’ve been searching for so long after taking a break from wattpad. I just wanna say i love that story because the plot is unique and sweet <3. It’s the first story that give quite a big impression to me because it’s not cliche and it’s fun to read (the smut are the special bonus XD) Too bad i cannot reread it but it’s okay i respect your reason. But may i know the title and the characters name of that story


@kaciyie yeah my story and yes i unpublished