
girl I'm starvinnnn but I can't get food bc my mum is asleep in the living room and I have to go thru the living room to get to the kitchen and I don't want to wake her up T-T


@-dianaaa We have white cheddar too


@SweepingmangoSam they do here too lol except there's white cheddar and red cheddar like the label would say 'mature white cheddar cheese' or 'mild red cheddar cheese'


@-dianaaa Not where I'm from, it's just called cheddar cheese (obviously they specify mild, medium, or sharp but yeah).


The heck I thought I already was following you over here...Oh well that has been remedied now.


@SweepingmangoSam you were! but I muted everyone who's following me on this acc  bc honey wanted to talkkk


girl I'm starvinnnn but I can't get food bc my mum is asleep in the living room and I have to go thru the living room to get to the kitchen and I don't want to wake her up T-T


@-dianaaa We have white cheddar too


@SweepingmangoSam they do here too lol except there's white cheddar and red cheddar like the label would say 'mature white cheddar cheese' or 'mild red cheddar cheese'


@-dianaaa Not where I'm from, it's just called cheddar cheese (obviously they specify mild, medium, or sharp but yeah).


If anything has changed, it's my dreams. I no longer get caught when I'm chased, am no longer found when I hide, and when I'm lost, I have the strength and resources to find my way back, and I do. Everytime. And it takes me on a wild, crazy and slightly terrifying adventure in the process. I remember the dreams I used to have when I was younger where I'd be on my own without mummy or daddy or my siblings and I was alone where I was and I couldn't find anyone and it was such a terrible, terrifying feeling. They were more like nightmares, really. Sometimes, at the very end I'd find my family - or someone I know - again, and it was such an amazing feeling of joy and pure gratefulness. Now, when I'm left alone in my dreams, I find my way back to my home, to my family and I'm okay in the end. If anything, I'm stronger and wiser than I was at the start and I love that.


@BunnyGirlHP sameee it's much better!! and it's fun too so


@-dianaaa wait cause that’s actually so cool i really like that for you


@riddle_x_nott my instincts are telling me something is wrong but so are my trust issues but my instincts are always right my honey and there's something up about this whole thing


@-dianaaa it probably issss T-T 18 year old teenage boys are as mature as a 12 year old girl


this message may be offensive
@riddle_x_nott ohhh probably cuade it's rly messed up shit T-T 


WAIT girl i have an idea for what you can do here


@riddle_x_nott dont worry i will too, we’ll all yap together <3


@riddle_x_nott yah and so we can have a “group chat” that’s a little more private


@BunnyGirlHP wait so like  account to yap?


I kinda regret creating this now. like what do I do here


haha crowded as hell. 


@BunnyGirlHP idk it just exists. as a break from the other thing cause that's crowded as hell