
there so much news about the After movie @imaginator1D I'm so excited so i guess I'm gonna reread for the second time in 2 months


Helllloooooooooo :) Can I ask you somethink? From which Country came you? I love englisch People... and i‘m a German Girl. Nice to meet you ❤️


@ladychocolade you're so sweet! I'm from america :) nice to meet you too!


Something * sorry, my offense is in German :)


my options are: boy #1 who I've liked since last year, had a thing with but was a jerk to me recently and tried to make me jealous with another girl or boy #2 the boy who goes to a different school and i haven't met in person yet but is super flirty and funny. i am stuck.


THE MARCH TODAY WAS INCREDIBLE!!! D.C. was crazy, we couldn't even see the stage, but trust me, we didn't need to. our voices could be heard throughout the city. i listened to the most tragic, most inspirational stories today. i hope some of you guys got the opportunity to attend one of the 843 marches that took place around the world today <3


tomorrow!!!! a march for our lives is happening in every major city in the US and there are many internationally as well!!! my family is going to the one in D.C., please go to one of the sister marches, especially if you are a student or have children! this is an issue that affects everyone and any school could be next. tell your family and friends you love, and fight for change.