


This is now canon to Ribs but if Ethel, Barty or Jade won, Snow would’ve forced them into prostitution just like he does with Felix in the main timeline.
          Ethel would’ve had years of freedom but the very second she turned of age, I imagine the Capitol would treat her as the paparazzi did to Emma Watson and the interest to Millie Bobbie Brown, basically counting down to the second she legally became an adult to sexualise her


I just realised had anyone else won the 66th Hunger Games in Ribs, like Barty because that would be the most painful with this situation, that for their stay in District Twelve for the Victory Tour, Cordelia would be the only person there for both tributes as I don’t feel like they would allow Marcus to be there as they weren’t married at the point.
          And I’m a firm believer that if it were Barty or Jade even, they would pull a Peeta and announce that half their winnings go to Cordelia because of their respective guilt.
          Barty is obvious, he was in an alliance with the Lockwood siblings, had a crush on Felix and saw his brothers in Ethel.
          But Jade? She would feel guilty for how she tried to use Felix. She knew how close Barty was to him and sort of wished to have that ability to make friends so easily


okay but my hunger game ocs’ birthdays (bc birthdays don’t usually come up in the series so I rlly don’t mention them/probably won’t)
          felix: november 4th
          valencia: december 26th
          cecelia: april 29th
          theseus: august 11th
          caspian: october 6th


felix being a scorpio >>>