
i need bruce-wayne-being-a-girl-dad fics but feels like i already read all of them


my sibling in christ, BEGGING for a gif banner with peter hale from teen wolf and Bella Maclean (specifically with the long red hair from her show rivals) for a fic called ‘limerence’ because I cannot fix the coloring for the life of me no matter how good it looks together. crying rn  


@theilliterateironman oh no, i explained it wrong, it's my master degree class (have to search how its called help), im not graduating yet unfortunately - i have classes 7am to 10pm tres days of the month (doing neuropsychology)


@-illyrian omg congrats on graduating!!!


@theilliterateironman  OMG OKAYYY im having classes of my pos graduation (i don't know how is called in english- but it's like what you do after the graduation) but monday im free and totally gonna make!!!! (and also, you totally can message me in discord, im the antisocial who left


just needed you to know that in 2025 I’m starting journaling (I already kinda do but now I wanna be more serious and do it every day) and your gif banner for the Great War has made it onto the Jan 1st page printed out so just know you’re like immortalized in my life. I’m gonna be 80 with dementia looking over it saying “who is illyrian? what are the marauders?” and I think k that’s a beautiful thing 


@theilliterateironman omg, that's so sweet!! i don't even know how to thank you, but if you post it somewhere i would love to see it!!


Girl, I just saw the gifs you did for theilliterateironman and please, please, please tell me how you did them, because you have so fricking much talent!!!! 


@wp_mal hiiii,  thank you so much <3
            i do it on photopea!! although i think it's largely a matter of learning time, etc, something i do is choose gifs with similar lighting (even if i edit later, it helps a lot to make it look like the same scene), then i try to leave them with the same number of frames, so that when you merge, they stay at the same speed, on deviantart there are several psds for free and then you just download and choose the one you like best and apply it, then both gifs have the same coloring.
            about the lettering, i don't like photopea to make, so i create the title in another app (i download the fonts from dafont) and make or mix it the way i think it looks nice, saving it as a png with a transparent background and applying it as a layer for above the gif, but before the psd, then i organize the lighting and blending until i get something that i think is pretty.
            i'm not the best teacher, but i hope it was a clear explanation hahah, but if you have any questions, just ask <3